Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Missing Tithe

This little piece was originally written as a reminder and encouragement to the supporters of Graceland Ministries. I think there is a general application for all of us, no matter where we have committed to lend our support.

Last week, my wife Ruth said to me, “Shall I write the tithe check for this Sunday?” I was somewhat confused by her question for a couple of reasons. Since I am paid on the last business day of the month and the one closest to the 15th in the middle of the month our tithe checks typically hit the basket on the first and third Sundays of each month. This was now the fourth Sunday and I had assumed – incorrectly apparently – that our check had already been deposited to the church coffers and had already cleared my account. 

I was further confused, for a quick glance at the account balance on an ATM slip had lead me to believe that the tithe check had already cleared. I logged onto my account for a closer look and low and behold it had neither cleared nor was there enough money left in the account to cover what I had determined would be my midmonth contribution. I told Ruth not to write a check and that I would get one in before the money was counted and deposited on Monday. On my way to the church office on Monday morning I went by the bank and moved some money from another account to cover my tithe check. In the rubble that I try to pass off as a filing system on the front seat of my pickup truck I was sure I had a checkbook for my account. Three books of checks for other accounts – not one single check for the account I needed. I sheepishly told the volunteers counting the offering that I would have to leave one for next week – looked like I was going to miss this deposit as well.

I know that as I write this silly little anecdote, many of you will identify with my plight. Often the money runs out before the month, unexpected summer expenses – some important and some frivolous chip away at our finances and all of a sudden we are unable to do what we have committed to do. The important thing almost got missed because of my inattentiveness. The giving lines of my personal budget are at the very top of the page to remind me that they need to be a priority for me. But unless I’m diligent in keeping those line items as a priority, other needs, cares, concerns and wants will vie for their position.

Last week I spoke with my friend Ron, who is the treasure for Graceland Ministries in Canada. I wanted to check in with him and have him reassure me that the funds that support Graceland’s budget are continuing to be received from our supporters and friends throughout the summer months. The news however was not what I had hoped. While giving from churches has increased some over last year’s average, giving from individuals has dropped off by about 33%. I suspect that for some of our Graceland supports the priority of giving to this important ministry has been replaced with other priorities over the summer. There are probably checks that were suppose to get written that didn’t, good intentions that got side tracked and not acted upon and some checkbooks that got lost in the shuffle of paper on someone’s desk (or car seat.)

Jesus said it best, didn’t he? “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6:21

Well, my check has been written and placed on the desk where those who are making next week’s deposit will find it. I’m grateful that I was still able to do what I had committed to do and my own inattentiveness did not leave the ministry of our church short changed. I know that many of you who will read this feel the same way about your commitments to the work of God that you support. Let me encourage you to be faithful to do all that God has placed in our heart to do both for your home congregation and for the ministries, like Graceland, that rely on your faithful, generous support.

I trust that the rest of your summer will be safe, fun and faith-filled as you enjoy your time with family and friends.