Monday, August 1, 2016

Righteousness Exalts

I woke this morning with this verse on my mind.

“Righteousness exalts a nation,
 but sin is a reproach to any people.”
Proverbs 14:34

Perhaps I have been watching too much of the political nominations for president and listening to more of the rhetoric than I should. But this little verse in proverbs should stand out as a beacon to us as Christians.

The nation that will enjoy the favor of God and achieve “exalted” status is the nation that is moving toward the righteousness of God and not away from righteousness toward sin. It seems like a simple thing to understand and yet I get the sense that in America we have this funny notion that we can move progressively toward sin and expect to have an exalted status among the nations and before God. It’s just not so.

And the same is true in the life of our church and in our families and in our lives as individuals. Do you want to continue to receive the blessing of God? Then pursue righteousness. But we can’t expect that God will wink at our sin and exalt us anyway.

The road to exaltation for our country, for our church, for our families and for our lives is repentance and a renewed commitment to what is true and holy and righteous.