Did you know that there is a presidential election happening this month? Unless you live completely secluded from society you can’t help but know. It is no secret that this is probably the most contentious and vitriolic election that any of us can remember. We look at the contenders for this election and wonder how either one of them made it to become their party’s nominee and yet this is the choice with which the country is faced.
How do we as Christians respond in these times when it seems that neither candidate represents our most basic fundamental principles? Even choosing the “lesser of two evils” leaves us with fear for the future of the country.
As I think about the current situation I find my mind and heart often thinking and praying about the sovereignty of God. He is the supreme ruler over the affairs of this world. He is the one who sets up leaders and he is the one who deposes leaders. God is the one who sees the end and the beginning at the same time. He is the one who will be left standing when time is no more.
As Carey Nieuwhof has written, “When matters are taken out of your hands, never conclude they’ve been taken out of God’s hands.”1 I know many people feel powerless right now and that feeling produces discouragement and frustration. We must recognize that the true power to change the course of the country is within God’s ability to do.
That’s why in II Chronicles 7:14, God says to Solomon, “ if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
Church, that verse applies as much today as it did at the dedication of Solomon’s temple. The only reason that God is going to stem the tide of evil and set this country back on the foundations upon which it was built is because the people of God humble themselves, pray and seek his face and turn from wickedness. It is not the unregenerate who are going to lead us to godly repentance it is a humble and contrite church, seeking God’s face that will bring about revival.
So, all who can, vote your conscience and let’s trust a sovereign God for the outcome. And for all of us who have confessed our trust in the name of Jesus, let’s humbly seek God and petition him for the healing that only he can bring to this country.