Saturday, July 1, 2017


Our health insurance provider is concerned that those they insure be actively engaged in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As incentive to make that happen they pay us to take health surveys, participate in health challenges and practice habits that promote healthy living. That’s right – if we log on and spend a few minutes they will pay real money to our health savings account. 

One of the things that my insurance provider has suggested to lower anxiety and bring more serenity to my life is to eliminate clutter. Who knew that clutter can cause anxiety but I guess it does? (Actually, my wife has been telling me this for years.) They suggest that I spend 10 minutes per day decluttering. Now that this little piece of information is my head I can’t walk by a cluttered room without thinking, “Maybe I should spend 10 minutes in that room decluttering today.” (I’m sure when Ruth reads this she will be overcome with joy that my packrat ways may soon be under control. Time will tell.)

As I have reflected a little on this it is not just the dining room table and the office desk that get overwhelmed with unwanted and un-needed stuff. Clutter happens in our spiritual and mental life too. How many things do you have that take up space in your heart and mind that just need to be laid to rest? Unforgiven wrongs, un-met expectations, guilt, regret and the list go on and on. So how do we find time to deal with the clutter?

God has given to us a model of work and rest. We rest from our work so that we restore our energy and replenish that which has lacked. God’s intention for a Sabbath rest has not changed. It is a time to be restored in all of our relationships and to de-clutter our busy minds. Let me remind you that we have three primary relationships that need to be regularly restored. The first is with our heavenly father – that is why worship on Sunday needs to be a priority. When we gather to sing, and participate in the Lord’s Supper and give our attention to God’s word, we have the opportunity to restore and strengthen our relationship with him. 

Secondly, we need to take time regularly to build our relationships with our family and our closest friends. Keeping the lines of communication open and asking for and receiving forgiveness helps keep our hearts and minds uncluttered.

Thirdly we need to have time alone to reflect on our own lives and to be restored in our own spirit. Many people feel guilty about taking time for themselves, but if we don’t take time to be refreshed and renewed our lives become filled with stress and anxiety. We don’t often think about having a relationship with ourselves, but that is exactly how we have to think about the inner life. To quietly and thoughtfully reflect on our lives and invite the spirit of God to reveal our hidden dysfunction and to restore joy and peace to our hectic lives.

So, a few minutes a day will help me get my clutter under control. And a better understanding of the restoration that comes with a Sabbath rest will help us get our cluttered hearts and minds under control. While I can’t guarantee that money will show up in your account if you honor the Sabbath, I will promise you that each one of your relationships will be richer for it.