Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'd like you to meet Mike Breen

We are on a journey. All of life is a journey, of course, but as a church and more specifically a leadership team, we have been on a journey for the past 9 months or so. Through a fairly circuitous route, God has lead us to learn from and be mentored by 3 Dimensional Ministries (3dm).

This organization, lead by writer, teacher, pastor Mike Breen has a great deal to teach us about what it means to be disciples of Jesus Christ. The tools they are supplying us with are fantastic and the coaching is excellent. I would like you to get a sense of what God is teaching us by reading Mike's blog. Start here and read up through the posts of the past several weeks and see if God does not stir a longing in your heart.

Don't forget to post your thoughts.

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